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Idealabs proudly hosted an IIoT Community Meetup in collaboration with GE Digital at T-Hub. The fourth Industrial revolution “Industry 4.0” is here and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) shall play a crucial role in this. IIoT will revolutionize manufacturing by enabling the acquisition and accessibility of far greater amounts of data, at far greater speeds, and far more efficiently

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T-Kickstart T-Hub in partnership with Idealabs presents the T-Kickstart series, a three-day boot camp spread over three weeks for all Wannapreneur with an Idea looking for validation before you dive into Entrepreneurship. There is a lot of enthusiasm all around for startups! From college students to senior working professionals, the excitement and urge

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Blockchain Product Workshop

Blockchain Product Workshop

Fintech Valley Initiative launched first of its kind Blockchain Product workshop for four weeks with an objective of building products based on blockchain and develop student entrepreneurs. Blockchain Product Workshop was hosted by GITAM University as part of Government of AP and APITA initiative and IDEALABS was the Knowledge and implemented Partner. The program which

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Idealabs signed a MoU with THuB, India’s largest startup Incubator to set up an IoT-Hub @THuB to ignite, fuel and grow the IoT- ecosystem. It helps students and startups access to State-of-the-Art Lab, mentoring and networking with best Incubators / Accelerators and Investors. The Maker space is also a hub for organizing meetups, workshops,

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HACK2BUILD A Hackathon conducted on the sidelines of ICANN Public meetings- organized by NASSCOM-ERNET, CoE-IoT and implemented by IDEALABS. There was probably no better time and better country than India to launch a Hackathon that aligns with government’s three flagship initiatives of Make in India, Digital India,

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Smart City Amravathi

Smart City Amravathi Bootcamp And Hackathon

Smart City Amravathi Hackathon-KITS Guntur KKR & KSR Institute of Technology & Sciences in partnership with Idealabs and powered by NASSCOM 10,000Startups , organized Smart City-Amaravati Hackathon preceded by an IoT BootCamp . The Hackathon was a 36 hour hackathon held on 17-18 March 2017. This hackathon

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To have the leaders of University, Industry, Government (TASK) and students on one platform and all of them EXCITEd !!! is  EXCITE 2k16. After the First version of EXCITE 2015, EXCITE 2k16 started with a Hackathon on day3.  Sreekanth Rangavajhala (UI/UX Maestro and an excellent human being) conducted a two-day Design Thinking Workshop.

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EXCITE 2K16 fun continuied. On the sidelines of Intel – DST launch of IFDI (Innovation for Digital India), we showcased some of the EXCITE product prototypes. Visitors who visited and spent quality time interacting with our teams were, Mr.KTR (IT Min. Govt. of Telangana), Ms Debjani Ghosh (Country Head, INTEL), Mr. HK Mittal (Head,DST),

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Hauslay Ki Udaan

Hauslay Ki Udaan

Hauslay Ki Udaan Haywards 5000 Hauslay Ki Udaan’ is India’s first start-up TV reality program that aims to support the entrepreneurial spirit of those Indians who have an innate resolve to succeed in spite of various challenges. This initiative has been introduced by Haywards 5000 Hausla Buland Academy. Haywards 5000 conducted

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Hackers Summit was held on 9-11 July 2015, at IIIT-H. Celebrating Hacking with the Hacker community is the main idea of Hackers Summit. It brings celebrated hackers and startups together to build momentum and opportunity around hacking events. By celebrating the spirit of hacking community in India, it will be Hacking Carnival.

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EXCITE is a 4-week summer workshop/Internship programme aimed at product engineering, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The whole programme has been conceptualized with an aim to rekindle the spirit of engineering which essentially revolves around building usable solutions. Highlights of the Initiative: One month full-time summer

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Career Guidance

Career Guidance Initiative

A milestone day for Industry – Student connect.  Idealabs conducts an open event by name Create your Future. Students are mentored by a range of experienced mentors having 15-20 years spent in top-notch companies.  Proud moment as well to have a kickstart of a project under HPL -Hyderabad Product Leaders Forum. The Project will involve students of EXCITE and MakerSpace

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